The White Rumped Munia
(Lonchura striata)
By Mark Shipway
I indicated before, the hybrid myth has been perpetuated up until now
probably because the White Rumped Munia remains a relatively unknown
species in aviculture. I have observed two of the nine races of the White Rumped Munia in the wild and one in captivity. In the wild in Sumatra (race
their nests are abundant in the hill park next to the centre of
Bukitinggi town, Central Sumatra. I was there in June 2000 when a large
earthquake hit late at night after which, having been shaken off their
perch, several Munias were flying around the town, disorientated,
colliding with house windows and balconies. (Samui Island and near
Chiang Mai, both in Thailand (race

for avid
birdwatchers, try looking in the road side vegetation back from the main
tourist beach on Samui) and Vietnam (probably race
subsquamicollis or
you can see them at close quaters, packed in unsanitary conditions in
the Hanoi bird markets together with Australian grassfinches imported
from China.
Restall (1996) suggests that the western races (india, Nepal, Myanma) have more sharply contrasted colouring and those to the
South (Malay Peninsula and Sumatra) are more spotted and marked whilst those from the
East (Taiwan,
China and Indo-China) are paler and more fawn and tawny. Restall (1996)
reports that they are threatened in Singapore and Hong Kong.
have also bred hundreds of Bengalese and see none of their
characteristics, which cannot be said to come directly from the White
Rumped Munia and its races directly or be explained by selective
Photo Courtesy of Jim Warburton
I have found that
sexing the
White Rumped Munia, like the Bengalese, is a simple matter, in that
apart from the males song, his distance call is generally higher
pitched and a variable in tone ("d-d-dri") whilst the female's call is a
simple low monotone("d-d-droot"). Scientific research has now confirmed
these differences (Okanoya K, Kimura T, Journal of Comparative
Psychology 107:4) 386 - 394 DEC 1996). This is particularly helpful when
viewing the birds at a distance. At closer quarters, the width of the
lower mandible may, additionally, be used, but is best used as a guide
To be continued....